Physician Tan Sok Koon | Thomson Chinese Medicine

About Physician Tan Sok Koon

Physician Tan Sok Koon

Expert In
Traditional Chinese Medicine

Languages Spoken

Bachelor of TCM (Guangzhou University of TCM) Diploma in TCM (Singapore College of TCM)

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9.30 am to 7.30 pm Saturday & Sunday: 8.30 am to 7.30 pm closed on Public Holidays

Thomson Specialists Woodleigh (TCM), 11 Bidadari Park Drive, #02-03, Singapore 367803

Appointment Process

Dr. Physician Tan Sok Koon Appointment Number (For Serial): +65 6280 1000, Whatsapp +65 8684 0143.
Dr. Physician Tan Sok Koon Online Appointment :

Chamber Name & Address: Thomson Specialists Woodleigh (TCM), 11 Bidadari Park Drive, #02-03, Singapore 367803.


My fascination with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) took root several years ago during my quest for alternative remedies to alleviate my chronic allergy condition. Experiencing the gradual and consistent improvement brought about by Chinese medicine and acupuncture, I felt compelled to delve into the study and practice of TCM. Since then, Traditional Chinese Medicine has evolved into a profound passion for me.

Dr. Tan, a graduate of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, adopts a holistic approach to healing. Through the application of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, she is dedicated to restoring balance within the body and facilitating optimal recuperative outcomes.

Driven by a profound interest in various fields, including fertility, confinement care, urinary disorders, pain management, mental wellness, and pediatric care, Ms. Tan is committed to providing comprehensive healthcare.

As a fully registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician with the TCM Practitioners Board and a proud member of the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association, Ms. Tan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Physician Tan Sok Koon’s Expert In, and how does she approach healthcare?

Physician Tan Sok Koon specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). She adopts a holistic approach to healing through the application of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Her focus is on restoring balance within the body to facilitate optimal recuperative outcomes.

What are the languages spoken by Physician Tan Sok Koon, and what are her Qualifications?

Physician Tan Sok Koon is fluent in English. She holds a Bachelor of TCM from Guangzhou University of TCM and a Diploma in TCM from Singapore College of TCM, showcasing her strong Qualificational background in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What are the opening hours of Physician Tan Sok Koon’s practice, and is she available on weekends?

Physician Tan Sok Koon’s practice is open from Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 7.30 pm, and on weekends from 8.30 am to 7.30 pm. The practice is closed on public holidays, providing convenient hours for patients seeking TCM care.

How can I schedule an appointment with Physician Tan Sok Koon, and what are the available options?

To schedule an appointment with Physician Tan Sok Koon, you can contact her appointment number at +65 6280 1000 or through WhatsApp at +65 8684 0143. Online appointments can also be made by visiting the official website. The practice is located at Thomson Specialists Woodleigh (TCM), 11 Bidadari Park Drive, #02-03, Singapore 367803.

What areas of healthcare does Physician Tan Sok Koon specialize in, and what is her professional background?

Physician Tan Sok Koon has a profound interest in various healthcare fields, including fertility, confinement care, urinary disorders, pain management, mental wellness, and pediatric care. As a fully registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician with the TCM Practitioners Board and a member of the Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association, she brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice.

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